Chapter 5 OkCupid

Install the here, tidyverse and scales packages.


Load tidyverse package, plus the three packages above.

5.1 Load OK Cupid Data

Set up a path to store the data In Rmarkdown, a line with just a data object will print out that data object.
The data_private folder is included in our .gitignore file such that Git neither tracks nor attempts to push this large and sensitive data file to

if(!dir.exists(here("data_private"))) {dir.create(here("data_private"))}
# set file path
okCupidFilePath <- here("data_private", "profiles.csv")
# show the file path
## [1] "C:/GitHub/opengisci/wt25_josephholler/data_private/profiles.csv"

Download the file if it is not stored locally already.
Note that this code will not work indefinitely: the file will be removed once the course concludes.


You can use read_csv to load CSV files into R.
The file.choose() function allows you to interactively pick a file, but this is not reproducible.

okcupid_data <- read_csv(file.choose())

Even better, use the here package for reproducible file paths

okcupid_data <- read_csv(okCupidFilePath)

Save the OK Cupid data in R’s compressed RDS data format

cupidRDSpath <- here("data_private", "okCupid.RDS")
saveRDS(okcupid_data, cupidRDSpath)

Load the OK Cupid data from the RDS file

okcupid_data <- readRDS(cupidRDSpath)

5.2 Height

How do people report their height?

okcupid_data |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = height))
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 3 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
## (`stat_bin()`).

Clearly there are some inaccurate self-reported data in here, so lets’ restrict the range of the x-axis Tough decisions to make when graphing, so you need to find a balance in the data visualization goals and exclusion of some individuals from the data.

Switch to geom_bar() to make one bar for each integer value in a bar chart

okcupid_data |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = height)) +
  xlim(55, 80)

There are two different peaks for each gender’s mean, so let’s facet the graphs

okcupid_data |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = height)) +
  xlim(55, 80) + 

There are more men than women on OKCupid. There are spikes rounding up to appealing heights.

5.3 Age

okcupid_data |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = age)) +

There are more men, but the distributions are very similar. How can we compare the two datasets to see if their patterns are similar? Try a density plot coded by color fill. Add transparency so that you can see. I would prefer to change the color (line) rather than the fill

okcupid_data |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_density(aes(x = age, fill = sex), alpha=0.5)

5.4 Diet and Body Type

Count diet responses

okcupid_data |> 
## # A tibble: 19 × 2
##    diet                    n
##    <chr>               <int>
##  1 anything             6183
##  2 halal                  11
##  3 kosher                 11
##  4 mostly anything     16585
##  5 mostly halal           48
##  6 mostly kosher          86
##  7 mostly other         1007
##  8 mostly vegan          338
##  9 mostly vegetarian    3444
## 10 other                 331
## 11 strictly anything    5113
## 12 strictly halal         18
## 13 strictly kosher        18
## 14 strictly other        452
## 15 strictly vegan        228
## 16 strictly vegetarian   875
## 17 vegan                 136
## 18 vegetarian            667
## 19 <NA>                24395

Count body type responses

okcupid_data |> 
## # A tibble: 13 × 2
##    body_type          n
##    <chr>          <int>
##  1 a little extra  2629
##  2 athletic       11819
##  3 average        14652
##  4 curvy           3924
##  5 fit            12711
##  6 full figured    1009
##  7 jacked           421
##  8 overweight       444
##  9 rather not say   198
## 10 skinny          1777
## 11 thin            4711
## 12 used up          355
## 13 <NA>            5296

We probably want to condense these categories to simplify graphing

5.4.1 Collapse Diet Categories

Use case_when to switch (simplify) diet type values

okcupid_data |> 
  mutate(diet_collapsed = case_when(str_detect(diet, "halal") ~ "halal",
                                    str_detect(diet, "kosher") ~ "kosher",
                                    str_detect(diet, "other") ~ "other",
                                    str_detect(diet, "vegan") ~ "vegan",
                                    str_detect(diet, "anything") ~ "anything",
                                    str_detect(diet, "vegetarian") ~ "vegetarian")) |> 
  count(diet_collapsed, body_type) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(y = body_type, x = n, fill = diet_collapsed), position = "fill")

5.5 Save dataset to computer

First save a data object in the environment

okcupid_data_with_diet_collapsed <- okcupid_data |> 
  mutate(diet_collapsed = case_when(str_detect(diet, "halal") ~ "halal",
                                    str_detect(diet, "kosher") ~ "kosher",
                                    str_detect(diet, "other") ~ "other",
                                    str_detect(diet, "vegan") ~ "vegan",
                                    str_detect(diet, "anything") ~ "anything",
                                    str_detect(diet, "vegetarian") ~ "vegetarian"))

Then save to a CSV file. By default, this would save to the working directory. The working directory can be changed with the session : set working directory option.
However, an even better solution is to use the here package.

          here("data_private", "okcupid_with_diet_collapsed.csv"))

5.6 Heat map of diet and body type

We can change the scale of fill

okcupid_data_with_diet_collapsed |> 
  count(diet_collapsed, body_type) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_tile(aes(x = diet_collapsed, y = body_type, fill = n))

This data would look better on a log scale, which can be achieved with the log10_trans() function from the scales package.

okcupid_data_with_diet_collapsed |> 
  count(diet_collapsed, body_type) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_tile(aes(x = diet_collapsed, y = body_type, fill = n)) +
  scale_fill_gradient(trans = log10_trans())

5.7 Text mining

  • anonymize the data
  • consider ethics / legality of reposting and how to repost

5.7.1 Essay data dictionary

Variable Description
essay0 My self summary
essay1 What I’m doing with my life
essay2 I’m really good at
essay3 The first thing people usually notice about me
essay4 Favorite books, movies, show, music, and food
essay5 The six things I could never do without
essay6 I spend a lot of time thinking about
essay7 On a typical Friday night I am
essay8 The most private thing I am willing to admit
essay9 You should message me if…

5.7.2 What are people really good at?

This is stored in essay2 Let’s look at a few responses With markdown, you can keep re-running the cell

okcupid_data |> 
  sample_n(1) |> 
## [1] "i was a national certified massage therapist so i can be really\r\ngood at massage therapy. plus im good at writing songs."

Let’s scale up the text analysis

How many people are good at sports? str_detect searches for a text string
including | means or

okcupid_data |> 
  mutate(is_good_at_sports = str_detect(essay2, "sports|soccer|baseball|football|basketball")) |> 
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   is_good_at_sports     n
##   <lgl>             <int>
## 1 FALSE             47737
## 2 TRUE               2571
## 3 NA                 9638

What is the relationship between body type and people who say they are good at sports?

okcupid_data |> 
  mutate(is_good_at_sports = str_detect(essay2, "sports|soccer|baseball|football|basketball")) |> 
  count(is_good_at_sports, body_type) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(y = body_type, x = n, fill = is_good_at_sports), position = "fill")

Remove the missing data with filter(!

okcupid_data |> 
  mutate(is_good_at_sports = str_detect(essay2, "sports|soccer|baseball|football|basketball")) |> 
  filter(! |> 
  count(is_good_at_sports, body_type) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(y = body_type, x = n, fill = is_good_at_sports), position = "fill")

People who say they’re athletic or jacked are more likely to say they’re good at some sport

okcupid_data |> 
  mutate(is_good_at_sports = str_detect(essay2, "sports|soccer|baseball|football|basketball")) |> 
  filter(! |> 
  count(is_good_at_sports, body_type) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(y = is_good_at_sports, x = n, fill = body_type), position = "fill")

A large proportion of the folks who mentioned being good at a sport thought they had an athletic body type

5.7.3 Analyze word usage in essays

okcupid_data |> 
  unnest_tokens(input = essay2,
                output = "word") |> 
## # A tibble: 33,824 × 2
##    word       n
##    <chr>  <int>
##  1 0         41
##  2 0.13       1
##  3 0.334      1
##  4 0.99       1
##  5 00         6
##  6 000000     1
##  7 007        2
##  8 00am       1
##  9 00s        2
## 10 00t        1
## # ℹ 33,814 more rows

Let’s arrange the dataset to sort by n Also filter by stop_words

essay2word_counts <-
  okcupid_data |> 
  unnest_tokens(input = essay2,
                output = "word",
                format = "html") |> 
  count(word) |> 
  arrange(-n) |> 
  filter(!(word %in% stop_words$word))

## # A tibble: 31,253 × 2
##    word          n
##    <chr>     <int>
##  1 people    15118
##  2 cooking    7042
##  3 listening  6497
##  4 laugh      4776
##  5 love       4400
##  6 friends    3961
##  7 time       3899
##  8 pretty     3368
##  9 finding    3322
## 10 playing    3157
## # ℹ 31,243 more rows

Interestingly, I’m getting results of conjunctions because I used the html filter, but those could be filtered out as well.

essay2word_counts |> 
  filter(!(word %in% c("br", "href", "ilink", "ve", "don")), 
           ! |> 
  head(20) |> 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_col(aes(y= reorder(word, n), x = n))

Try again with essay 8

essay8word_counts <-
  okcupid_data |> 
  unnest_tokens(input = essay8,
                output = "word") |> 
  count(word) |> 
  arrange(-n) |> 
  filter(!(word %in% stop_words$word))

## # A tibble: 29,029 × 2
##    word        n
##    <chr>   <int>
##  1 <NA>    19214
##  2 br      16439
##  3 private  3858
##  4 love     2958
##  5 people   2420
##  6 time     2095
##  7 admit    1687
##  8 person   1656
##  9 life     1488
## 10 pretty   1480
## # ℹ 29,019 more rows

This time, do it the same way as shown, without altering the mode.

essay8word_counts |> 
  filter(!(word %in% c("br", "href", "ilink")), 
           ! |> 
  head(20) |> 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_col(aes(y= reorder(word, n), x = n))

This Rmd did not initially knit without separate installation of hunspell package.