This is a working agenda to be updated as the course progresses.
Week One
- Before Class: Install R and RStudio
- Monday Morning: Introduction to R and Graphing
- Tuesday Morning: More advanced graphing
- Tuesday Afternoon: GitHub and RMarkdown
- Wednesday Morning: Data wrangling
- Thursday Morning: Text strings
- Thursday Afternoon: Disaster data and techniques for reproducible data science
Week Two
- Monday Morning: Ethical data visualization
- Tuesday Morning: Web scraping
- Tuesday Afternoon: Text analysis of word frequency and association
- Wednesday Morning: Joining and animating I
- Thursday Morning: Joining and animating II
- Thursday Afternoon: Census data, joining by location, and choropleth maps with tmap
Week Three
- Martin Luther King Day: no class
- Tuesday Morning: Choropleth maps with ggplot and leaflet
- Tuesday Afternoon: Spatial hotspot analysis
- Wednesday Morning: Shiny Apps I
- Thursday Morning: Shiny Apps II
- Thursday Afternoon: Network visualization; Form small group research questions and plans
Week Four
- Monday Morning: Special Topic T.B.D.
- Tuesday Morning: Special Topic T.B.D.
- Tuesday Afternoon: Shiny App Development & Storytelling
- Wednesday: Symposium of Projects
- Thursday: Symposium of Projects