Open GIScience

Joseph Holler's Open GIScience Curriculum at Middlebury College

Reproducible and Open GIScience

Sep-19 : In this lesson, we will debate the roles of open source GIS and Open GIScience.



In preparation for this debate, please prepare a reflection/position statement on the two questions in the form of a blog-style post on your GitHub site. Specifically, you might reflect on:

  1. To what extent does open source GIS help solve the problems of the reproducibility crisis for geography? How?
  2. Are there problems with reproducibility and replicability in geography that open source GIS cannot help solve?

While you read these, consider:

We can debate this in the context of this ESRI tool for managing COVID testing sites


Additional resources on Open GIScience

Landscape of open standards and software

A ‘Show Me the Code’ Example: Distance Matrix in QGIS

The Distance Matrix algorithm documentation says nothing about how it calculates distances!

Watch a video of the issue, and/or follow the notes below.

Reading code to understand an algorithm


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